Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Journey through Floral Design

This is my journey through taking a Distant Leaning class in Floral Design. My last posts are my latest designs, and the first posts are my first lessons. I have grown through my experience and have learned so much. I especially enjoyed doing the bridal bouquets.

This took me 4 months to complete, but now I am certified as a floral designer. I will add more posts as I create more designs in the future.


Final Designs Module 15 Arrangement, Bud Vase & Corsage

Comments on my last and final module #15 (from Lyn Ann)
Bud vase:
Beautiful scale to your roses. You have spaced each one consistently. And the overall form is in good proportion to the vase. To improve, keep the tallest rose straight up and down over binding point for better visual balance. Foliage and filler flower fills in the form and unifies. Stems appear to be left long in the vase- good work here.

Great job with the color harmony and texture. Scale is perfect. The radial line of flowers provide a strong accent, interest and harmony. The foliages give the design a relaxed feeling that blends to your primary line of flowers. To improve, try to balance of foliage lengths to the your flowers lengths a bit more smoothly to create better visual support. As the design is now the foliages seem to overwhelm a little. Keeping flowers a little longer or shortening foliages would help blend them more fluently. Using leaves inside the vase is a good choice to create additional interest.

Wiring is done well. Taping is thin and tidy. To improve, try to create a stronger backbone. It is slightly weak and flops around too much. As you add individual wired flowers or foliages to the first stem, start higher up and work your way down so that a stronger construction forms at the back. This will help naturally create a stronger bond when combining your materials. The bow is in good scale, consider making a smaller loop at the center to conceal wire. " Total practical score is 96%. Written exam is 100%.
My average overall Floral Design score is 98%!
Not bad for a beginner! I enjoyed my experience studying floral design from the Floral Design Institute Distant Learning Program. My favorite designs were wedding flowers and European designs.
I hope to have an opportunity to designs flowers in the future! ♥

Basket Arrangement $37.50

Comments from my teacher: "Materials are consistently covering the form providing rhythm. To improve on line within your design- design vertically by working materials into a terraced line above the handle of the basket. This will provide height, higher perceived value and create interest by using flowers to their fullest advantage. The color harmony and texture are very pleasing."
I did my best with this, but I had the flu that day, so this is where I could improve and follow directions better.

Vase Arrangement $32.50

Comments from my teacher: "This is a fabulous design! Well done. The accent is perfect. The form is well balanced and line through design has beautiful rhythmn. Creating height vertically can give the perceived notion of a higher value- you did a wonderful job with this."

I liked this design, I guess because I was able to create it for myself and stay within budget. Whew!

Landscape & Formal Linear Arrangements

I didn't enjoy doing these arrangements. I thought they were different and foreign to me. I did get good feedback and my instructor liked the placement of the materials.

European Flemish Interpretation

This one has better spacing. Roses would've been better grouping & sequencing with sunflowers toward center for greater impact for focal area.

Botanical/Landscape Design

Each quandrant has a nice section of material. Improve by having more negative space & height with flower groupings to create better form & depth. Kind of interesting design.